Hi I’m Corrina and I live in Sydneys’ Inner West. When I joined Park Lane Jewellery I was caring for my husband with Brain Cancer and 3 children under 7 years old. My best friend had joined and I wanted to help her get started…. so I had a party.
By the end of the night, I had decided I liked the jewellery so much, that I bought the Presidential Kit and signed up straight away!
I didn’t know when I would have time to sell the jewellery or start my own team to grow my business, but it was a way for me to have some time out each week from my family and my husband’s disease.
Since then I have met some amazing people and have been supported on my journey both professionally and personally. I went to Chicago for the Park Lane Jewellery 60th Anniversary and it was absolutely the best thing I could have done. Scott LeVin the CEO, is an inspiring, passionate person who truly believes in giving back and paying it forward.
I’m paying it forward by hopefully inspiring you to do something for yourself and become part of the Park Lane Jewellery family. We are all here to connect with others, share the opportunity and provide for our own families in a way that fits in with our own lifestyle.