Ever stepped outside your comfort zone? Ever looked at something and thought “this is too good to
be true?” Hi my name is Donna Drinkwater, Area Manager for Park Lane Jewellery and the answer
is…… “yes, I have!!”
Park Lane launched in Australia in March 2014. My sister-in-law Sheron Drinkwater was passionately
speaking about this new business opportunity she was involved in and she was looking for recruits in
my area. For some reason I said “pick me”. From that point on it has been an amazing journey. I
signed up as the 30th Australian Park Lane Representative joining in March of 2014.
I commenced building my team. I started with my best friend and then close family members and
now my team has expanded to include an extensive range of women from varying backgrounds. The
potential of the Park Lane Business opportunity is only limited by your own passion and
commitment. Park Lane enabled me to party around the events in my life that were important to
me, my family and my fulltime employment commitments. With Park Lane, I was my own boss, I
worked as little or as much as I wanted and when I wanted. I was able to develop a whole new
branch to my life, and it is FUN. This cannot be called a job.
Along the way there have been events that have impacted on my life and my Park Lane Business.
The networking, support and leadership in our team and our Park Lane family have enabled me to
continue, refocus and grow. Our Senior VP Sales has a mantra “Winners never quit and Quitters
never win”. In reality the only way you can fail with Park Lane is if you quit.
Park Lane offers amazing opportunities and incentives as well as spectacular jewellery which almost
sells itself. I know for me that Park Lane has become an integral part of my life, one I will continue to
share with my hostesses and with like- minded business savvy people who want to enrich their lives.
I am extremely proud to be an Australian Park Lane Representative.
Don’t let self- doubt prevent you from grasping this opportunity with both hands and seeing where
the journey takes you.
Donna Drinkwater, Area Manager Park Lane Jewellery,