With 2 Young children and going to 1 income made our familiy budget beyond tight, it looked like my only option would be to place my at the time newborn and 2 year old in full time daycare and work FULL TIME, but realistically the money that would be paid out to do so not to mention not being able to bond with my babies really was NO option….

PARKLANE was our savior I was introduced to this amazing company from another mummy at my children's playgroup and I am so glad that she shared the opportunity Parklane offers with me.

The last almost year has not only helped with our family budget I work around my kids not my kids working around my job, I have made fantastic friends, met heaps of new people, grown in self confidence as well as been able to make a difference to a young girl with brain cancer and her family  with fundraising through my Parklane business.

For all this I will be forever grateful i found Parklane & i cannot wait too see what the next 12 months will bring!!!!

Lisa Jones Fashion Director,